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General settings for PSI Order Entry

Module "PSI Order Entry per bank or fax order"

In addition to the interface-specific settings for each PSI Order Entry, the "PSI Order Entry - Configuration" dialog box also contains general setting options that can be stored for several PSI Order Entries. Proceed as follows to make these settings:

  1. In the Infront Portfolio Manager ribbon, on the Ordering tab, select GENERAL SETTINGS, CONFIGURATION from the PSI Order Entry icon menu.
  2. Make your settings on the "General settings" tab in the "PSI Order Entry - Configuration" dialog box that appears.
  3. Finally, save the settings with "OK".

In detail, you have the following setting options on the "General settings" tab:

Ex-ante settings" tab



Show ex-ante costs for the following interfaces

On the "Ex-ante settings" tab, you can determine for which interfaces ex-ante costs should be displayed. To do this, activate the checkboxes for the respective interfaces.

User-defined field for "ex-ante deposits"

You can mark depots of the interfaces selected above as "ex-ante depots" via a user-defined field. To do this, enter the name of the user-defined field created for this purpose in the input field.

User-defined field for "Holding period"

You can enter an expected holding period for the securities in the ex ante securities accounts of the interfaces selected above via a user-defined field. To do this, enter the name of the user-defined field created for this purpose in the input field below.

"BaFin reporting settings transactions" tab



Activate BaFin reporting for transactions for the following interfaces

[Only for dwpbank interfaces]

On this "BaFin reporting settings transactions" tab, activate the checkboxes of the dwpbank interfaces for which you want to activate BaFin reporting of dwpbank.

Multi-channel ordering (only with module of the same name)



User-defined field

You can use a user-defined field to define a home exchange for securities that you wish to trade via multi-channel ordering. To do this, enter the name of the user-defined field created for this purpose in the input field.

You make the interface-specific settings for each licensed PSI Order Entry in the "PSI Order Entry - Configuration" dialog box on the tabs that are then visible.
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