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Actions" tab

In the Infront Portfolio Manager, you have the option of triggering additional external actions before and after data retrieval and after data import. An action can be specified in the form of a standard command line with optional parameters.

  1. Select the command SET UPDATE DATA in the menu of the "Data update" icon on the "Data maintenance" tab. The "Set up data update" dialog box opens.
  2. Switch to the "Actions" tab with a mouse click.
  3. Make the desired settings there. More detailed information on the input fields can be found in the following table.
  4. Save the changes with "OK". Or select "Cancel" to close the dialog box without allowing the changes to take effect.

The fields in detail:



Before transferring the data: Execute command

Activate this checkbox and then specify the application that is to be executed or started before the data retrieval.

Select the "Search" icon to search for an application in your directories.

After transferring the data: Execute command

Analogous to "Before transferring the data".

Transferring data to the database

[Enabled by default]
To prevent Infront Portfolio Manager from automatically starting to read the data after retrieval, disable this function.

Delete files after unpacking

[Enabled by default]
To prevent Infront Portfolio Manager from automatically deleting the ZIP files that are generally no longer required after successful unpacking and importing, deactivate this checkbox.

After the data has been transferred to the database: Execute command

Activate this checkbox and enter here which application should be started automatically after an import of retrieved data into your database.

Select the "Search" icon to search for an application in your directories.

Use the two options below to specify whether the selected action should always be executed or only after new data has been read into the database.


You can test the selected application using these buttons.

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