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Delete trays

Proceed as follows to delete a clipboard:

  1. To do this, first select the file that you want to delete.
  2. Then select the "Delete file" icon or the DELETE FILE command in the context menu (right mouse button) of the selected file.

The following happens when you delete the files:

  • The file is deleted.
  • If the corresponding filing window is open, it is closed.
  • If you have created the clipboard via a table, e.g. via the command OPEN SELECTION FROM TABLES in the context menu of selected table rows, the workspace associated with the respective object is also closed when the clipboard is deleted.
  • In the file view on the left, the next file in the list is opened when deleting. If the last file with content is also deleted, the Explorer opens again. In the filing window in the evaluation area, the next filing in the list is also opened when deleting. If the last clipboard with content is also deleted, the empty clipboard window remains open in the evaluation area.

Removing objects from the clipboard does not delete the objects from the Explorer view.

The objects in the tray are not copies. Changes to properties, e.g. for securities or transactions for securities accounts, also change the object in the Explorer.

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