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Time control

Your Infront Portfolio Manager offers you a tool for automatic time control. Use them for data updates, batch exports or your securities account and transaction data imports using the installed Infront Portfolio Manager.

If you use in the cloud, you can also use tasks of the type "Update " for the upload via the time control.

, batch export or ("Dashboards" module) are paid add-on modules. This means that you can of course only use them via time control if they are activated in your Infront Portfolio Manager.

Exclusively for the operation of the Infront Portfolio Manager as a SaaS variant on Microsoft Azure, the additional tasks "PM SaaS maintenance" and "data materialization" are available to you.

If you install the "Time control" component, the Windows service "Infront Portfolio Manager 6 WatchDog" is also installed. It ensures that the time control processes are running. Please read the section Windows service.

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