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Securities in the Infront Portfolio Manager

Securities data is held in the Infront Portfolio Manager in two closely linked objects:

  • Security object
    The security object maps all master data fields of the instrument, i.e. describes the type and structure of the instrument.
  • Price quotation object
    The price quotation object primarily contains all data relating to pricing via a stock exchange, i.e. place, currency, market segment and prices. In individual cases, data that is strictly speaking attributable to the price quotation can also be held for the security object if it applies equally to all places.

Several price quotation objects can be assigned to each security object; in general, each security should have at least one price quotation object.

Each security is assigned exactly one valuation place. With this assignment, the corresponding price quotation data can also be accessed via the security object. Conversely, each price quotation object is always assigned exactly one security object, so that security and price quotation objects offer an interchangeable view of all security data: The security object describes the instrument with its standard valuation conditions defined installation-wide, the price quotation object describes the instrument together with the data of a specific valuation center. In the Infront Portfolio Manager, both object types can be used interchangeably with some restrictions when referring to a security. A limit, e.g. on a security object, is evaluated on the price material of the valuation center stored for the security, which can be exchanged centrally; a limit on a price quotation object is always evaluated on the data of this price quotation. A change of place is then only possible by exchanging the price quotation in the limit. Security objects are always used for transaction data and price quotations are not permitted here. For example, a purchase is posted to the security object. The trading venue, trading currency and price are part of the transaction data. With regard to the MM-Talk formula language, both object types behave largely identically.

This interchangeability means that both object designs are present on the Infront Portfolio Manager interface. At the points where securities are selected, you can decide whether you want to work with the standard valuation place or with explicit places. Due to their role in portfolio management, securities objects are preferred. In some cases, however, it makes sense to use price quotations, e.g. for security filters that rely on price data.

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