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Select languages for reporting

Reports can be created in the defined languages (e.g. German or English). In this context, the Infront Portfolio Manager offers various options for selecting the reporting language:

  • Language of the installation
  • Reporting language for the current workspaces via the quick access bar
  • Job language (batch export, scheduled reporting, loss threshold reporting)
  • Report folder languages (to be selected for each individual report when creating a report folder)

The following priority list applies to languages:

The language of the installed program version is used first.

You can select a reporting language for the current workspaces in the quick access toolbar or on the "Start" tab. The language of the installation or the set default reporting language is displayed.

If the customer report is part of a batch export, scheduled reporting or loss threshold reporting, the language set there applies.

For multilingual special solutions, you can select a language for each report in the report folder when configuring your report folders. This is then used as a priority.

You can set the "Owner-dependent language" as the default reporting language, select it via the quick access toolbar or select it in jobs and report folders. Here the reporting language is selected for each customer from the owner properties - if available. However, this may be overlaid by the language set for the reports in a report folder or the language of a job.

In the Portfolio Manager server context, the setting options "Default reporting language" and "Select reporting language via quick access bar" are naturally omitted. The settings in the individual report folders and jobs are taken into account.

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