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Analyze performance

Performance measurement (together with risk analysis) is the most important tool for controlling portfolios. The Infront Portfolio Manager offers various calculation methods that can be applied over any period of time and for any interval. The performance development of the customer portfolios can, for example, be set in relation to several benchmarks.

In addition, performance attribution enables detailed measurement and monitoring of the portfolio return. It allows the calculation of returns for almost any segment, such as asset classes, regions or currency classes, and their comparison with a benchmark. This makes it possible to determine very quickly in which segments a good performance has been achieved. In the context of attribution, it is also possible to identify allocation and selection effects.

The "Performance" worksheet in the depot objects workspace provides you with evaluations for performance analysis. Based on the calculation methods presented in the section Calculation of performance , you can monitor the development of the portfolios here.

The standard evaluations under the "Performance" worksheet in detail:

  • Performance chart
  • Performance development
  • Performance comparison
  • Performance contribution
  • Performance distribution
  • Performance attribution

The "Reporting", "Performance" worksheet also contains reports on performance analysis:

  • Report Performance report
  • Report Performance report with graphic
  • Performance attribution report
  • Report attribution history
  • Report Performance Distribution
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