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Option strategies

The "Option strategies" function complex deals with the analysis and construction of combination positions with options.

As derivative securities, options have a specific performance that essentially depends on the price performance of the underlying asset, the volatility performance of the underlying asset, interest rate performance and time.

Taking a simple (uncovered) option position (of which there are four: Long call, long put, short call, short put) is generally associated with high risks.

As the performance of the different options for the same underlying correlate strongly, they may offset each other. By skillfully combining options on the same underlying asset, it is therefore possible to take positions whose risks are limited and which are better able to exploit a certain (even unspecific) market expectation than simple strategies.

A prerequisite for using the option strategy functions in Infront Portfolio Manager is the "EUREX" data subscription. In addition, you need parameters from Eurex for the correct calculation of margin requirements, which currently have to be maintained manually.

Please also read the chapter on trading conditions for options.

Develop a strategy tailored to your risk profile. Select the optimum strategy from all the common strategies or combine them freely. Technology freaks can also construct all conceivable option strategies. Feel free to experiment a little, there are no limits to your play instinct here.

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