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Calculate courses

As a rule, the price supply of securities or price quotations takes place via stored price data. This price data is offset for display by factor or dividend adjustment, exchange rates or period consolidation.

If no price data is available for a security or a price quotation, it can also be calculated or simulated from other security prices using a calculation rule. This is particularly helpful for the extended construction of benchmarks. For further information, please also read the section Special forms of benchmarks.

To store the price calculation for a price quotation for a security, proceed as follows, for example:

  1. Select the security in the Explorer with the right mouse button and select the PROPERTIES command in the context menu that appears.
  2. In the "Master data" dialog box that appears, select the desired price note, e.g. by double-clicking on it.
  3. In the "Price note properties" dialog box that appears, activate the "MM-Talk formula" checkbox in the "Price calculation" area.
  4. Then select the "Price calculation..." button to open the formula editor . You can then enter and save the calculation method.

You can then assign benchmarks constructed in this way to a portfolio version as a comparison value as usual, e.g. via the properties of a portfolio.

Beispiel zur Kursberechnung:

A formula for calculating a performance index at 1-month Euribor with monthly reinvestment could be as follows:

$interest:= "Euribor (1 Monat)".WP.Close.FillGaps / 100;
$index:= 100;
$date:= "1.1.50";
$i:= 0;
$init:= $date = "1.1.50";
$skip:= $date.Monatsanfang <> Datum.Monatsanfang;
$index:= if($skip and not $init; $index * (1 + AccruedInterest($i; $date; Datum)); $index);
$i:= if($skip or $init; object; $i);
$date:= if($skip or $init; Datum; $date);
$index * (1 + AccruedInterest($i; $date; Datum))
; 10000; false; false; $interest)

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