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When the Infront Portfolio Manager is started for the first time, an "Intro" with information on the design of the program appears automatically. This section focuses on the ribbon and quick access toolbar.

At the bottom of the intro you will see the various pages or content areas that you can select with a mouse click:

  • Welcome to
  • Operation
  • Tabs
  • Standard functions
  • Quick access

Click through the pages of the intro to familiarize yourself with the new user interface. Start with the "First steps" button.

Click on the "More info" button to start a short introduction with 3-4 info pages in the respective area, which explain some details of operation with the help of texts and (partly animated) graphics.

If a Portfolio Manager server is configured, the introductory intro is also started automatically via this server. If the server is not running, the intro will not be displayed and a corresponding message will appear in the evaluation area of the Infront Portfolio Manager.
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