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Field categories

You can divide your user-defined fields into field categories. If you work a lot with user-defined fields and have created a correspondingly large number, this division into field categories in the dialog box for creating user-defined fields will help you keep an overview.

Proceed as follows to create or assign field categories:

  1. Select the "Custom fields" icon on the "Configuration" tab. The "Set up user-defined fields" dialog box opens.
    If the user-defined field currently selected in the list is assigned to a field category, you will see this in the middle of the dialog box.
  2. Select the "Define field category..." button to assign a new field category to the user-defined field.
    In the "Define field category" dialog box that appears, you can now assign existing field categories, create new ones or remove field categories that are no longer required.
  3. Then close the "Define field category" dialog box with "OK" and then select the "Save" button in the "Set up user-defined fields" dialog box.
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