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The folder view

The folder view is a convenient view for working with Explorer objects. The contents of the objects are clearly displayed in the right-hand area and can be easily organized.

You can perform all actions with the mouse.

  1. To open the folder view, select the ORDER VIEW command in the context menu.
    Or press the<F2>button.
  2. The content of the object is displayed in the area opened on the right (e.g. the securities of a folder).

You can select several objects at the same time in the folder view by holding down the <CTRL> key while selecting the objects.

The icons and functions (properties, edit objects, etc.) in the folder view correspond to those of the Explorer.

The "Folder view" tab is added to the ribbon as soon as you open the folder view.

You will also find the ORDER VIEW command in the context menu of securities in Explorer. This allows you to open the security and all price quotations for this security object in the folder view.

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