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Configure Info Center

You have the option of configuring the Info Center via the global settings. Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the SETTINGS command in the menu of the "General Settings" icon on the "Configuration" tab in the Infront Portfolio Manager ribbon.
  2. In the "Settings" dialog box that appears, switch to the "Info Center" tab.
  3. Make the desired settings on the "Alerts" and "Jobs" mini-tabs.
  4. Close the "Settings" dialog box with "OK".

In detail, you have the following configuration options here:

Alerts" tab

Period of displayed notifications

To display the alert notifications in the Info Center, select the desired time period for the display:

  • 1 month (default setting)
  • 1 year
  • Unlimited
Jobs" tab

Period of displayed notifications

To display the job notifications in the Info Center, select the desired time period for the display:

  • 1 month (default setting)
  • 1 year
  • Unlimited

E-mail notifications

Specify the desired type of additional e-mail notification for the job notifications in the Info Center:

  • Do not send an e-mail notification (default setting)
  • Send e-mail notifications for all visible zones
  • Send e-mail notifications only for selected zones (In the "Zones" area below, you can specify the selection for this option)


You can use the "Add zone" and "Remove selected zone" icons to extend or restrict the job notifications to certain zones.

To include only the zones selected here, you must have selected the option "Send e-mail notification only for selected zones".

Only send e-mails if errors have occurred

Activate this checkbox if you only want to be notified of jobs by e-mail in the event of an error.

This setting is not available if you have selected the "Do not send email notification" option above.

If you save the settings as settings profiles, you can assign the appropriate settings profile and therefore the appropriate Info Center configuration to the individual users via the user administration. If necessary, read the section Settings profiles.

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