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Configure fields for services

You can add individual fields for the various (cloud) services that are connected to the Infront Portfolio Manager via MM-Talk. For example, you can add new cost components for the cost service or customize the uploading of your Postbox documents.

Proceed as follows to create individual fields for services:

  1. On the "Configuration" tab, select the CONFIGURE FIELDS FOR SERVICES command.
  2. In the "Configure fields for services" dialog box that appears, select the desired service function from the list of available service functions.
  3. Select the "Definition" button to edit the MM-Talk function in the formula editor.
  4. Save the function and close the formula editor.
  5. Then select the "Save" button in the "Configure fields for services" dialog box.
  6. Proceed in the same way if you want to customize other service functions.
  7. Close the "Configure fields for services" dialog box with the "Close" button.
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