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Certificates allow investors to participate in the price performance of other securities and financial products. For example, the holder of a certificate participates directly in the price performance of a fixed index (index certificate) or a specially compiled basket of shares (basket certificate).

You will find all certificates with special sub-typing for precise differentiation of the many different certificate types in the well-sorted database of your program.

A special finder, the Finder Certificates, helps you to search for suitable instruments. The "Certificate Finder" worksheet provides you with additional finders optimized for the certificate types "Tracker", "Discount", "Bonus", "Outperformance" and "Knockout".

If you have the Germany subscription, you can also use the certificate tool online, but this requires an existing connection to the Internet.

For your Explorer folders and filters that contain certificates, the certificate overview provides you with all the important master data and key figures for this security type in tabular form.

Please also read the section Certificate master data.

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