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WM data

The standard subscriptions include the comprehensive WM data of the WM Group (Herausgebergemeinschaft Wertpapier-Mitteilungen Keppler, Lehmann GmbH & Co. KG).

You can find the WM security name in the "WM name" field on the "Characteristics" tab in the securities master data. All other WM data can be found on the "WM" and "WM 2" tabs.

By default, the (time-controlled) data update also updates the values in the WM master data fields. However, you can decide whether and which WM data fields should be overwritten when updating the data. Read the subsection Configuring data import for WM data.

WM" tab

In detail, the "WM" tab contains the following WM data:



WM securities long name 1

The first part of the long name is the issuer name of the security (maximum 30 of 60 characters).

Details can be found in the WM table GD270a.

WM securities long name 2

The second part of the long name is the instrument name of the security (maximum 30 of 60 characters).

In the case of fixed-interest securities without an interest rate and without an interest payment date, but with an issue and final maturity year as well as the start of redemption or debtor's option to terminate.

For details, please refer to the WM table GD270b.

Settlement currency

The settlement currency (risk currency) of the security is the currency in which over-the-counter transactions are generally settled.

Details can be found in the WM table GD172.

The valuation center configuration for securities also accesses this master date.

Home exchange

The home stock exchange (place) of the security is the stock exchange in whose economic environment the registered office and/or head office of a company is located and on which this company is listed.

Details can be found in the WM table GD621.

The valuation center configuration for securities also accesses this master date.

If necessary, read the section Configuring valuation places.

WM industry

The WM sector of the security.

Details can be found in the WM table GD200.

Issuer category

This field contains the issuer category of the security or the issuer of the security from the market data supply.

These issuer categories are based on the WM-Bista issuer groups, which classify the issuers of securities in accordance with the Deutsche Bundesbank's guidelines for reporting by credit institutions for the monthly balance sheet statistics (Bista).
Details can be found in the WM table GD212.

WM product type segmentation

The WM product type of the security.

For details, please refer to WM table GD198A.

WM product group segmentation

The WM product group of the security.

For details, please refer to the WM table GD198B.

WM instrument type

The WM instrument type of the security.

For details, please refer to the WM table GD198C.

WM instrument type supplement 1

The additional field 1 for the WM instrument type of the security: Design of degrees of freedom in the legally defined categories.

For details, please refer to the WM table GD198D.

WM instrument type supplement 2

The additional field 2 for the WM instrument type of the security: Underlyings and benchmarks.

For details, please refer to the WM table GD198E.

WM instrument type supplement 3

The additional field 3 for the WM instrument type of the security: Collateral or repayment terms.

For details, please refer to the WM table GD198F.

WM instrument type supplement 4

The additional field 4 for the WM instrument type of the security: other special features.

For details, please refer to the WM table GD198G.


The denomination of the security from the WM data. The denomination is the division of securities into different nominalor face values.

Minimum nominal value

The minimum nominal value of the security from the WM data.

CFI code

The CFI code of the security. "CFI" stands for Classification of Financial Instruments.

ISO 10962 uses a 6-digit alphabetical code to define the structure and format for categorizing financial instruments into different classes.

The CFI codes are taken into account when exporting and importing securities.

You can query CFI codes via MM-Talk. This allows you, for example, to query individual components of the CFI codes and use them as filter criteria in evaluations. Read the following example for the composition of the codes. You can find a detailed explanation of all the letters on the Internet.


The bond with ISIN "XS1064049767" has the CFI code "DBVUGB". The individual letters stand for the following dates:

  • D = Debt
  • B = Bonds
  • V = Variable interest rate
  • U = Unsecured/unguaranteed (subordinate)
  • G = Fixed maturity with call feature
  • B = Bearer form

All WM data can be queried using the MM-Talk formula language.

If you would like to take the WM names into account when creating security names in the program, select the option "WM names and standard names" when configuring the security names. Please also read the section User-defined security names.

WM 2" tab

In detail, the "WM 2" tab contains the following WM data:



WM leverage product

If this checkbox is activated, the product is a leverage product in accordance with MiFID II/MiFIR. These securities are taken into account when monitoring loss thresholds.

WM complex financial instrument

If this checkbox is activated, then it is a complex financial instrument according to MiFID II."

Instrument costs

In the lower section of the tab, you can (manually) store histories for the securities costs; these are not overwritten by data updates or cost service.

If historicized costs for the same security are delivered via the cost service , then all locally configured histories have priority over the values delivered via the service.

For details, read the section Enter historical securities costs manually.

All WM data can be queried using the MM-Talk formula language.

Configure data import for WM data

By default, the (time-controlled) data update also updates the values in the WM master data fields. However, you can decide whether and which WM data fields should be overwritten when updating the data.

If you have manually entered values in the master data of securities, proceed as follows to prevent them from being overwritten:

  1. On the "Data maintenance" tab, select the EDIT IMPORT PARAMETERS command in the "Data update" icon menu.
  2. In the "Import parameters" dialog box that appears, switch to the new "WM" tab.
  3. Deactivate the checkboxes of the WM data fields to be protected.
  4. Save the settings with the "OK" button.

The new settings will take effect from the next data update.

The "WM complex financial instrument" field cannot be configured here as it is not currently delivered and imported via data update.

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