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Security names

The following applies with regard to securities designations:

  • Securities always have a name which is provided via the data supply and which may differ from the names of older versions. In particular, the place suffixes such as "(X)" or "(DE)" have been removed. Securities of type "Index" no longer have a leading dot in their name and the maximum length is 100 characters.
    Security names do not have to be different for all security objects. Uniqueness is therefore not enforced by importing from the Market Data Pool. For example, the previously known "~number name variants" are no longer used. Nevertheless, security names should have an identifying character as far as possible and be assigned accordingly when securities are created manually.
  • Price quotations do not have their own names, but their name is derived from the security name by rule:

<security paper name> (<place abbreviation>)


Security name: Deutsche Bank AG

Name Course note on the course "Frankfurt": Deutsche Bank AG (EDF)

Name Price quotation on "XETRA": Deutsche Bank AG (EDE)

Name Course note on the course "Milan": Deutsche Bank AG (EIM)


For more information on other naming options for securities, read the chapter User-defined security names.

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