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Risk classes

In this section you will find the classification of security types, special investments and accounts into the individual risk classes and their respective investment objectives.

The following classification of risk classes is stored in the user-defined field "Risk classification", which you can customize like all user-defined fields.

If necessary, read the section User-defined fields.

Risk class 1: Safety-oriented

  • Money market funds in euros
  • Fixed-term deposits and loans in all currencies
  • Accounts in all currencies
  • Certificates of the EDG class "Safety-oriented"
  • Warrants of the EDG class "Security-oriented"

Investment objective: long-term and secure asset accumulation with interest at money market level

Risk class 2: Limited willingness to take risks

  • Bonds in euros
  • Money market funds that are not quoted in euros
  • Pension funds
  • Real estate funds
  • Certificates of the EDG class "Limited risk appetite"
  • Warrants of the EDG class "Limited risk tolerance"

Investment objective: risk-conscious long-term asset accumulation with expected return above the interest rate level of the money market

Risk class 3: Willing to take risks

  • Bonds that are not denominated in euros
  • Remaining funds
  • Shares
  • Subscription rights
  • Profit participation certificates
  • Certificates of the EDG class "Ready for risk"
  • Warrants of the EDG class "Risky"

Investment objective: growth-oriented capital accumulation, taking into account the price and capital risks from possible price losses or currency fluctuations

Risk class 4: Increasingly willing to take risks

  • Warrants of the EDG class "Increased risk appetite"
  • Certificates of the EDG class "Increased risk appetite"

Investment objective: Speculative asset accumulation using instruments with leverage effect for above-average participation in market movements; hedging of existing portfolios

Risk class 5: Speculative

  • Options
  • Futures
  • Forward exchange transactions (DTGs)
  • Margins
  • Certificates of the EDG class "Speculative"
  • Certificates without EDG assessment
  • Warrants of the EDG class "Speculative"
  • Warrants without EDG valuation

Investment objective: High-risk speculation to generate very high returns with an extremely high risk of loss, hedging of existing portfolios

You can use the user-defined "Risk classification" field to assign securities - as well as securities account objects - to your personal assessment.

If necessary, read the section User-defined fields.

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