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The Infront Portfolio Manager enables portfolio managers to create detailed reports for themselves and their clients. This functionality is constantly being further developed in close cooperation with customers in order to optimally satisfy the special reporting requirements of securities account management.

Your Infront Portfolio Manager provides you with a selection of ready-made Standard reports . The standard functions "View", "Print" and "Export" are available for working with the reports supplied. In particular, you can use the licensed "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module to easily create series evaluations.

These customer reports are available to all users, regardless of whether they have purchased a license for Report Designer .

The additional features described on the other tabs are only activated in conjunction with the Report Designer, which requires a license.

For more information about modules that require a license, such as the "Report Designer", please contact Customer Service (phone: +49 69 26095760).

We are also happy to create individual templates for you in project work - from the integration of a company logo to the definition of completely new reports, everything is possible. Find out about prices and conditions.

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