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Personal link properties

"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module

In this dialog box, you define the link properties of the person linked to a holder (or another custody account object).

The properties of the person link in detail:


Linked person

Name of the person to whom the owner or interested party is linked.

Select person

Select this button to determine the linked person.

Read more about this in the section Manage people.

Contract number

Enter the contract number here.

Link type

Select the type of link between the owner or interested party and the linked person from the list.

  • Ownership
    Link to a legal entity
  • Power of attorney
    Bank power of attorney vis-à-vis the holder or interested party
    Power of attorney refers to the power of representation granted by legal transaction, i.e. the authority to carry out legal transactions on behalf of the grantor. The authorized representative is therefore a kind of proxy who may act or make decisions on behalf of another person.
  • Legal representative
    The legal representative is a deputy whose power of representation arises directly from a statutory provision. He is therefore to be distinguished from the legal representative, who receives his power of representation in accordance with §§ 164 ff. BGB through a legal transaction. Legal representatives are, for example, the parents, the guardian or the custodian as well as the board of directors of a stock corporation or the managing director of a limited liability company [GmbH].
  • Beneficial owner
    Beneficial owners are, for example, the following persons:
    1. A natural person who ultimately owns or controls the contractual partner.
    2. A natural person at whose instigation a transaction is ultimately carried out or a business relationship is ultimately established.
  • Linked
    General link
  • n/a
    No link

Valid from

Enter the date from which the person link should be valid.

Valid until

Enter the date until which the person link should be valid.


You can enter any text here.

Postbox export

If you have licensed a postbox (internal and/or external postbox) and have also activated the uploading of documents to a postbox in the person properties, you can decide here whether the postbox upload should also apply to this person link and thus override the setting in the person properties if necessary.

This checkbox is initially activated by default.

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