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On the "Start" tab, you will also find commands to help you navigate through windows and open workspaces. In detail, these are



Previous window

Use this command to return to the previously opened evaluation window.

Key combination: <OLD>+<TO THE LEFT>

Next window

Use this command to switch to the next evaluation window.

Key combination: <OLD>+<TO THE RIGHT>

Preceding workspace

Use this command to switch back to the previously opened workspace.

Key combination: <OLD>+<DOWN>

Next workspace

Use this command to switch to the next open workspace.

Key combination: <OLD>+<TOP>

You can also quickly exchange the objects for the currently open workspace. In addition to the familiar methods (left-click on the desired Explorer object while holding down the <CTRL> key or simply click on the desired Explorer object with the middle mouse button), you can also swap objects using keyboard shortcuts and the following commands in the ribbon on the "Start" tab:



Previous object

Use this command to replace the current object in the open workspace with the previous object, i.e. the object above it in the currently open folder in the Explorer (in alphabetical order). The folder can of course not only be a "normal" securities folder, but also a securities account or a group, etc. If the current object is the topmost object in the folder, it remains selected.

Key combination: <STRG>+<IMAGE ON>

Next object

Use this command to replace the current object in the open workspace with the next object in the Explorer. If the current object is the lowest in the folder, it remains selected.

Key combination: <STRG>+<IMAGE DOWN>

First object

Use this command to replace the current object with the first object of the currently open folder in the Explorer.

Key combination: <STRG>+<POS 1>

Last object

Use this command to replace the current object with the last object of the currently open folder in Explorer.

Key combination: <STRG>+<END>

Exchanging input objects using these 4 commands and key combinations also works in Shelves.

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