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Configure the names of the generated files via MM-Talk

In addition to the ready-made modules listed above in the selection list for the name composition, you will also find the entry <#FORMULA>. You can use this entry to configure your file names for the files to be exported using the MM-Talk formula language. Proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the position in the name of the output file where you want to insert a field.
  2. Then select the <#FORMULA> entry in the selection list by clicking on it.
  3. Then select the "Add" button.
  4. The function wizard opens.
  5. Enter the desired function at the top of the function wizard or select it from the list of available functions below.
  6. Functions are usually entered or selected for the various securities account objects here. Example: Depending on the input object, the Name function returns its name, i.e. the owner name for owners and the portfolio name for portfolio versions, whereas the input always returns the corresponding owner name.
  7. After entering or selecting the function of the function wizard, close with "OK".
  8. The function is inserted as a name component in the "Output file" input field. So for the examples <#NAME> or <#INHABER:NAME>.
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