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Storage locations

Storage locations in Infront Portfolio Manager are required for entering orders that also affect different storage locations in reality. All storage locations created in the storage location configuration dialog are displayed in a selection list when orders are entered later.

Securities in different depositories can then also be listed separately in your evaluations.

You can access the storage locations on the "Data maintenance" tab via the STORAGE LOCATIONS command in the "Manage objects" icon menu.

When the program is delivered, the following two storage locations are created, for example:




Clearstream abroad


Clearstream domestic

Different storage locations lead to separate depot stocks. For example, if you first buy a security with depository "CLSI" (Clearstream domestic) and then with depository "CLSA" (Clearstream foreign), this will result in two separate positions in the balance sheet.

The background to this is that the securities can be differentiated according to their depository. For this reason, these securities must also be treated as if they were held in two different custody accounts for the purpose of determining private capital gains.

The following chapters explain how to create, change or delete storage locations.

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