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Entering the prices of a security

To view, edit or manually enter the prices of a security, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the command SECURITIES (or PRICE NOTE), EDIT PRICES/FACTORS in the context menu of a security or a price note in the Explorer or in the list of open workspaces.
    Or press the key combination<CTRL>+<K>with the security or price note selected.
    The "Prices for" worksheet opens, in which all prices and transactions are displayed with the respective date. You will find the current prices at the top of the list, at the bottom of the window you can display the chart for the currently selected price.

  2. You can use the keyboard to change the courses in this table or add missing courses. To do this, click in the relevant table cell and enter the rate.

    Use the <TABULATOR> button to jump from field to field.

    You can quickly copy, paste, overwrite or delete courses using the context menu or keyboard shortcuts.

  3. Save your changes using the "Save" icon in the quick access toolbar or the FILE, SAVE command.
  4. To edit the prices of another security in the open "Prices for" worksheet, select the next security in the Explorer using the middle mouse button. Alternatively, use the<CTRL>key plus the left mouse button or the<SPACEBAR>.
    This displays the prices of the security in the window that is already open. If you want to copy prices from one security to another, simply open another window via the command SECURITY PAPER, EDIT PRICES/FACTORS in the context menu.
  5. Close the worksheet with <ESC> or via the small close cross at the top right of the ribbon. A confirmation prompt appears if you have not yet saved changes.

The following functions are available to you in detail:




Quotation selection list

In the toolbar on the left, select a different quote from all the quotes for this security.

The display is updated immediately and all course types for this course note are displayed.

Selection list of course types

Select the desired course type here.

The display is updated immediately and all price quotations for this price type are shown.

Chart" icon.

Use this icon to show and hide the chart of the currently selected price column at the bottom of the window.

With the help of the chart you can directly recognize price jumps or similar. Drag the dividing line of the chart window to change the size of the chart display.

If you click on a point in the chart, the price data display also jumps to the corresponding point.

Icon "Factor consolidation".

Use this icon to activate or deactivate the factorization of the prices shown in the chart.

Display from

Enter the start date for the courses to be displayed here. Use the small arrow symbol to open a calendar in which you can quickly select the desired date.

The default setting is the first date on which a price exists for this security.

Display until

Enter the end date for the courses to be displayed here. Use the small arrow symbol to open a calendar in which you can quickly select the desired date.

The default setting is the current date.

Edit factors" icon.

Select this icon to open the dialog box for editing the factors.

Please read the section Edit factors.





Month and year of the courses shown.


Date and day of the week of the courses shown. Saturdays and Sundays are hidden.

Course type

If you have selected a quote in the "Quote selection list" (default setting), each quote type is displayed in a column:

  • Course
    If necessary, read the following section Evaluation courses.
  • Close
  • Cash desk
  • Open
  • High
  • Low
  • Turnover
    (number of units traded on this day)
  • Contracts
  • Open Interest

Course note

If you have selected a course type in the "Course type selection list", each course note is displayed in a column.

Colored lines

Lines (days) that are colored indicate factors recorded on that day. The following colors represent the individual factor types:

  • Green: Dividend, dividend factor
  • Orange: Factor, splitting, change in capital

Point to the colored line with the mouse to obtain further information on the factor in a message window.

Context menu





Use this command to copy currently selected courses (to the clipboard).

Hold down the <CTRL> key while selecting to copy multiple contents.

Press and hold the <SHIFT> key to quickly select courses that are one below the other.

Copy time series


Use this command to copy currently selected time series.



Use this command to paste previously copied texts.

Insert (overwrite) according to date


Use this command to paste previously copied courses. Any existing content will be overwritten. The date of the copied courses is adopted.

Changed courses are highlighted in color until the changes are saved.

Insert (add) the correct date


Use this command to paste previously copied courses without overwriting existing content.



Use this command to delete selected courses.

It is not possible to edit calculated price quotations. In these cases, a corresponding message appears.

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