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Jobs are the basis for automating your reporting and other processes. Each job is initially characterized by its type, e.g. "Alerting" or "Scheduled Reporting". In addition, the execution times can be defined by a schedule. Depending on the type, additional parameters may need to be stored in the job definition.

In the job overview you can see the list of all jobs with details of the last and next execution and can go directly from there to the detailed information and logs of the individual jobs. The jobs run in the background on the Portfolio Manager server at the specified times and you are informed of the results on the Infront Portfolio Manager interface or by e-mail.

If necessary, read the chapter of the same name in your administration manual at Portfolio Manager Server . You can find the administration manual as a PDF file in your <program directory> in the &quot;help/manuals&quot; folder. Use the <Manuals> command in the Windows Start menu to go directly to this folder.

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