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Attach information sheets to report folders

Using the command APPEND INFORMATION SHEETS on the "Report Folder" tab, you can integrate regulatory documents for selected securities (information sheets) from directly into the report folders using the MM-Talk formula language.

This functionality makes it possible, for example, to directly attach the corresponding documents for securities from investment proposal lists when entering activities in the Infront Advisory Solution. But many other scenarios are also conceivable in the Infront Portfolio Manager. A prerequisite is the activation of for the user.

You can also create report folders that do not contain any reports, but only the information sheets for the securities entered.

Proceed as follows to attach information sheets for securities to report folders:

  1. Open the report folder in the evaluation area of your Infront Portfolio Manager.
  2. Select the command APPEND INFORMATION SHEETS on the "Report folder" tab.
  3. Enter the desired formula in the formula editor window that appears.

Thanks to MM-Talk, there are no limits to creativity. All formulas that return a security (ISIN) or a list of securities are useful - e.g. FindWP("DE000BASF111").

  1. Save the formula and close the formula editor.
  2. Save the report folder.

When evaluating the report folder, the existing information sheets are then attached. You can use the report folder as usual in Batch Export or Scheduled Reporting.

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