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Futures overview

The "Futures overview" report can be found in the "Securities analysis" template category. The "Futures overview" lists the available futures.

This evaluation can be opened via the FILE, OPEN TEMPLATE command in the ribbon, for example. If you have openedthe Finder Securities, you will find the "Futures overview" in the default state on the "Finder Other" worksheet.

The columns of the "Futures overview" in detail:




The name of the future.


The MMWKN from the master data of the price quotation.


The sector from the futures master data.


The place from the master data of the price quotation.


The currency from the master data of the price quotation.


The term from the futures master data.

Remaining term [years]

The remaining term of the future on the specified evaluation date.


The price of the future on the specified price date.

Course date

The most recent price date for the evaluation date entered.

Tick size

The tick size of the future from the master data.

The tick size is the minimum possible price change unit.

Tick value

The tick value of the future from the master data.

The tick value is the minimum possible (monetary) unit of value.

Market price risk
[EDG risk class]

The EDG risk class assigned to the future.

If necessary, read the section Risk classes in the EDG certificate rating.

You can use the parameters to select a different evaluation date.

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