Finder Portfolios
Use the "Finder Portfolios" to filter or search your customers' portfolios by master data.
The "Finder Portfolios" is stored on the "Finder Portfolios" worksheet in the open workspace of the Finder for securities account management.
You open the "Finder Portfolios" via the command FINDER PORTFOLIOS in the menu of the Finder icon "Depot Objects" on the "Start" tab.
In detail, the "Finder Portfolios" contains the following columns:
- Created on
- Asset allocation
- Evaluation currency
- Benchmark
- Benchmark 2
- Supervisor
- Designation
- Data status
- Holder
- Investment agent
- Performance calculation from
- Portfolio number
- Reporting frequency
- Risk limit
- Loss threshold portfolio
- Loss threshold for securities
You can use the parameters to select a different evaluation date for the display.