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Finder shares

The "Finder Shares" is a table optimized for searching for shares, which you can use to configure individual search queries via the filter settings. In open security finders, the "Finder Shares" is stored on the worksheet of the same name.

You open the "Finder Shares" via the command FINDER SHARES in the menu of the Finder icon "Securities" on the "Start" tab.

In detail, the "Finder Shares" contains the following columns:




The name of the share.


The WKN from the share's master data.

Security no.

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The Swiss security number from the share's master data.


Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The MMWKN from the master data of the price quotation (standard valuation place).


The ISIN from the share's master data.


The sector from the share's master data.

Stock exchange

The standard valuation place of the share selected in the master data.


The country from the share's master data.


The most recent price of the share on the specified price date.

Course date

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The most recent price date for the evaluation date entered.


The currency from the master data of the price quotation (standard valuation place).

Market segment

The value of the "Segment" field from the price quotation master data.

Market price risk (EDG risk class)

The EDG risk class assigned to the share.

You can use the parameters to select a different evaluation date.

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