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Ex-post cost statement

The "Ex-post cost statement" provides you with a detailed overview of the ex-post costs. The individual current amounts from the cost service are broken down into entry costs, ongoing costs (securities costs) and exit costs for all of the holder's recorded transactions. Transactions prior to the introduction of the cost service are also taken into account. You can find the table, for example, on the "Compliance" worksheet in the open workspaces of depot objects.

In detail, the table "Ex-post cost statement" contains the following columns:




The name of the portfolio from the portfolio properties. The table is grouped according to this column on the first level.

In this column you can see the ISIN and the name of the respective security of the transactions.

The table is grouped according to this column on the second level.


The cost category from the cost scheme - usually entry and exit costs as well as ongoing costs.

Transactions that were recorded before the introduction of the cost service appear here under "No allocation".

The table is grouped according to this column on the third level.

Cost type

The cost types defined within the cost categories from the cost scheme, e.g. "Own costs" or "External costs". Note: This column remains empty for transactions that were recorded before the cost service was introduced.

Cost component

The individual cost components defined within the cost types from the cost structure, e.g. bank or stock exchange fees.

The fees from transactions that were recorded before the cost service was introduced also appear here accordingly (similar to the "Expenses overview" report). Tip: In these cases, the "Cost type" column remains empty so that you can recognize "old" transactions.

Cash flow-effective kickbacks are also displayed (with a negative sign), but not the purely informative kickbacks. If you only want to see the product costs here, you can filter the column by the word "Securities costs". The sum of the product costs displayed then corresponds (in the standard cost scheme) to the sum of the product costs from the "Report on income and expenses (MiFID II)", for example.


The securities account name entered in the "Securities account" field in the properties of the securities account.


The account name entered in the "Account" field in the account properties.


The amount of the cost components in cost currency.

For transactions that were recorded before the introduction of the cost service, the total costs appear here.

Cost currency

The currency of the cost components.

Dev. course

The exchange rate cost currency to evaluation currency.

Costs in [evaluation currency]

The costs converted using the exchange rate in the evaluation currency.

The sum of this column corresponds (in the standard cost scheme) to the sum of "Total financial instrument costs" in "Report on income and expenses (MiFID II)".

Transaction type

The transaction type, e.g. purchase or sale.


Date and time of transaction entry.

For transactions that were recorded before the introduction of the cost service, only the date appears here.


The cost reference ID from the cost service. This column is hidden by default.

Ongoing costs or securities costs are generally delivered via the cost service, but can be overwritten manually on the "WM 2" tab in the securities master data via the historicized fields "Total costs (funds)" and "Ongoing costs (derivatives)".

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