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ESG portfolio analysis

The "ESG portfolio analysis" table is available for the ESG analysis of portfolios at holder or group level and of folder and filter contents.

You can find this evaluation in the template category "Securities account management". In the workspaces of folders and filters, you will find these by default under the "Risk" worksheet.

The columns of the ESG portfolio analysis shown by default in detail:

HolderThe name of the owner.
PortfolioThe name of the portfolio.
Portfolio no.The portfolio number of the portfolio.
ESGThe overall ESG score of the portfolio on the evaluation date.
EnvironmentThe ESG score "Environment" of the portfolio on the evaluation date.
Social affairsThe ESG score "Social" of the portfolio on the evaluation date.
GovernanceThe ESG score "Governance" of the portfolio on the evaluation date.
The values in the ESG columns also take into account any available values for coverage (of funds).

You can also show many other columns for the ESG sub-categories, which are hidden by default:

  • Resource consumption (E1)
  • Emissions (E2)
  • Environmental performance of suppliers (E3)
  • Life cycle assessment of products (E4)
  • Environmental management and processes (E5)
  • Resource consumption management (E6)
  • Emissions management (E7)
  • External environmental costs (E8)
  • Corporate management (G1)
  • Business ethics and behavior (G2)
  • CSR & Sustainability (G3)
  • Cooperations, memberships, awards & certifications (G4)
  • Formal institutions (G5)
  • Informal institutions (G6)
  • Stability (G7)
  • Employees (S1)
  • Customers & Products (S2)
  • Supply chain (S3)
  • Community and society (S4)
  • Human capital (S5)
  • Physical capital (S6)
  • Technology (S7)
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