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ESG data in standard templates

Some standard templates contain separate columns for the presentation of ESG data. Specifically, you will find columns for the scores for ESG and the environmental, social and governance sub-areas.

Standard templates with ESG data:

  • Balance sheet
  • Asset class analysis
  • Regional analysis
  • Segment analysis
  • Currency class analysis

The columns with the ESG scores for the sub-areas are hidden by default. You can find out how to show hidden columns in tables in the section Show and hide columns.

In addition, you can analyze your portfolios perfectly with the optimized ESG reports:

  • ESG class analysis
  • ESG portfolio analysis
  • ESG portfolio analysis compact

Beispiel: Berechnung des durchschnittlichen ESC-Scores

To calculate the average ESC score of a portfolio, the asset overview can be used as a basis, for example.

In the example, the ESG score 61.0237981 is calculated as follows:

  1. Multiply the individual share prices by the respective ESG score:
    28,214 x 64 = 1,805,696
    29612 x 59 = 1,747,108
    23483 x 60 = 1,408,980
  2. Add these values together and divide the sum by the total price value:
    (1,805,696 + 1,747,108 + 1,408,980) / 81,309 = 61.0237981

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