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Configure consulting process checks

"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module

You can use the "Configure advisory process checks" dialog box to adjust the various checks for the advisory process via MM-Talk. The formulas, which are generally developed in cooperation with , are called up in the Infront Advisory Solution during the advisory process.

To open the "Configure consulting process checks" dialog box, select the CONFIGURE CONSULTING PROCESS CHECKS command in the menu of the "Consulting" icon on the "Configuration" tab.

The following elements are available in the dialog box:



The "Admissibility" button takes you to the formula editor where you can enter, view or change the MM-Talk formulas for the admissibility check.

In contrast to appropriateness and suitability, admissibility is an internal bank and program concept. This can be used to check whether certain securities selected by the advisor are included in the advisory universe. These are generally securities that are the focus of the Bank's central research.


The "Appropriateness" button takes you to the formula editor where you can enter, view or change the MM-Talk formulas for the appropriateness check.

Here you can adjust your interpretation of the statutory appropriateness test (WpHG §31).


The "Suitability" button takes you to the formula editor where you can enter, view or change the MM-Talk formulas for the suitability check.

Here you can adjust your interpretation of the statutory suitability test (WpHG §31).


To save the changes you have made in the database, click on the "Save" button.


Close the "Configure advisory process checks" dialog window by clicking the "Close" button. If you have not yet saved the changes, a corresponding confirmation prompt appears.

The green ticks on the buttons indicate whether an MM-Talk formula is stored.

The configuration of the specific tests should be carried out in project work with .

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