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An advisor can be a client advisor at a bank, an asset management company or another organization. A supervisor does not necessarily have to be a person, but can also be a department, for example. Supervisors are managed in the Infront Portfolio Manager independently of owners and portfolios and can be assigned to several portfolios or - with the licensed module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis" - portfolio profiles.

With the licensed module "Infront Advisory Solution Consulting Process", interested parties can also be assigned advisors. Please read the section Assign a supervisor to interested parties.

It is also possible to assign a supervisor to users in the user administration. Please read the section Assign users to supervisors.

The support area can also provide information about the department providing support. This can be assigned to one or more supervisors.

In the Infront Portfolio Manager user administration, there are two system rights for supervisors: "View/assign supervisors" and "Manage supervisors", which you can use to regulate working with supervisors.

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