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Account and securities account allocation formulas

Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

Using the "Securities account allocation formula..." and "Account allocation formula..." buttons, you can use the MM-Talk formula language to define rules for selecting securities accounts and accounts for new purchases, for example, if several securities accounts and accounts exist. You therefore store formulas for the selection of securities account and settlement account. These formulas receive the asset being ordered as input, the portfolio in the MainObject , which can be used to generate the list of all active securities accounts or accounts, and the existing securities account in the MinorObject in the case of securities account allocations for purchases.

In sum:







For purchases, the existing securities account







Order depot

The formulas are only used if there is more than one active account or securities account.

The account and securities account allocation formulas also allow the result 'Select' (string). This means that there is no automatic pre-allocation for the account or securities account if the allocation is not unique for other reasons (only one account or securities account exists, or the securities account for sales). If the account or securities account is not unique, a corresponding message is issued. You must then manually enter an account or custody account in the portfolio rebalancing tool.

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